

Selasa, 28 Februari 2012


Dua orang anak gadis yang mengetuai siaran astro. Setiap hari seawal pukul 8 - 11 malam tengok kartun. Hari ni saya dapat menyelit menonton Ariana Mikhail. Entah apa-apa si Ariana tu. Dia yang pilih untuk tinggalkan suaminya, boleh kata dia telah banyak berkorban. Takut kehilangan tapi dia boleh menghilang. Macam nak lepuk kepala dia. Manisnya mulut berbicara.... Berjanji bagai nak rak nak tepati nak lari bagai. Kata dah lupakan kenangan silam tapi emosi lebih. Betul kata pujangga 'apabila kita berjanji jika tidak ditepati ia akan selalu jadi beban emosi. Semakin kita cuba pergi jauh semakin bertambah bebannya'.... Meskipun janji itu mustahil ditunaikan gangguan emosi akan sentiasa mengganggu minda. Maka itu jangan sesekali berjanji. I ever felt it. Until now. I really hate when it come on my mind. Sometimes...when i alone....

Tadi masak laksa lupa letak cili. Mama kata, cili masing-masing letak ikut selera sendiri. Tapi sayangnya mee beli dua bungkus saja. Tak cukup. Hehehe

Mengantuk. Bisuk pagi kena bangun awal...kena goreng cucur ikan bilis. Aduhai....

"Kesempurnaan tidak menjanjikan kebahagiaan"

Melayu Malaysia - 'kita hanya dapat menelan air liur'

Melayu Indonesia - 'kita hanya dapat menelan air ludah'

Adakah maknanya berbeza? Kelakar.

Isnin, 27 Februari 2012


Semenjak jalan depan rumah ditar kereta dan moto jiran nun di sana dipandu laju. Uuh...
Baru mo test buat kek...bahan-bahan tidak jumpa. Supermarket bertingkat-tingkat tapi barang tak lengkap. Semua sama saja. Adui... Mo buat macam mana? Ah, beli sajalah. Alahai mengantuknya. Bisuk pagi kena bangun pukul 4 pagi mo masak kui pisang untuk sarapan adik-adik ke sekolah. Entah dapat tidak bangun. Asma, khadijah nanti kejutkan kakakmu ini ye.

6 hari di kg, tak pernah lagi tengok berita. Tak dapat berebut.

Adikku Haidaiyah minta buat laksa. Mata mo tutup suda tapi otak masih sibuk mencari resepi. Harap-harap ok.

Have a good sleep.

Ahad, 26 Februari 2012

Makan lagi...

Hahaha...hari ni masak mihun tom yam. Tapi yang kurangnya daun limau purut tiada. Tak jumpa. Adikku kata, hentam saja ma... Jadi apalagi hentam sajalah. Sedap jugalah. Hehehe...perasan. Saya suda makan 5 mangkuk...makan rehat makan rehat.....dahsyat. Kata nak diet.... Diet macam mana.... Makanan sana sini...... Hentam sajalah. Sekarang tengah tengok audition galaxy superstar Indonesia kerjasama dengan Korea. Seronok tengok gelagat peserta dan juri. Salah satu jurinya adalah Rio Febrian. Pesertanya seksi-seksi belaka. Jurinya open mulut lepas berlapik. Dahsyat! Kalau dekat Malaysia confirm kena gam. Cara penyampaian result juga penuh drama. Pandai mereka permain perasaan dan harapan peserta.

Benci tatkala terfikir masa untuk balik ke Putrajaya semakin hampir.


Mihun Tom Yam

Hahaha...hari ni masak mihun tom yam. Tapi yang kurangnya daun limau purut tiada. Tak jumpa. Adikku kata, hentam saja ma... Jadi apalagi hentam sajalah. Sedap jugalah. Hehehe...perasan. Saya suda makan 5 mangkuk...makan rehat makan rehat.....dahsyat. Kata nak diet.... Diet macam mana.... Makanan sana sini...... Hentam sajalah. Sekarang tengah tengok audition galaxy superstar Indonesia kerjasama dengan Korea. Seronok tengok gelagat peserta dan juri. Salah satu jurinya adalah Rio Febrian. Pesertanya seksi-seksi belaka. Jurinya open mulut lepas berlapik. Dahsyat! Kalau dekat Malaysia confirm kena gam. Cara penyampaian result juga penuh drama. Pandai mereka permain perasaan dan harapan peserta.

Benci tatkala terfikir masa untuk balik ke Putrajaya semakin hampir.

Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012


Pagi tadi main badminton dengan adik-adik. Durang agak agresif. Sakit badan. Huhuhu.... Baru pukul 10 mlm suda rasa mengantuk. Tomorrow morning nak turun pekan. Mau pi beli bahan-bahan untuk masak tom yam dan laksa. Itu selera adikku. Eemmm...hentam saja. Sekali sekala katanya.

Perkara amat memalukan. Aku berabis pertahankan rupanya salah. Hahaha.... Adakalanya diam itu lebih baik.

Sebelum balik kg, kata nak makan sayur banyak-banyak di kg. Sudah sampai kg, alahai sayur berlambak. Bermacam-macam sayur. Tak larat nak habiskan. Aduhai....

Ahahaiii.... 5 orang tengok cerita indonesia melalui parabola 3 orang tengok cerita kartun saluran 615 astro. Aku nak tengok cerekarama tv3 tak dapat. Huhuhu....layaaann........

Jumaat, 24 Februari 2012


Hari ni hatiku berbunga-bunga dan berdarah-darah. Berbunga-bunga kerana dapat duit kutu. Berdarah sebab kipas rumah tiba-tiba meletup. Aku pasang full dari pukul 12 to 3 petang. Aduh!...sudahlah cuaca panas. Mungkin bakal membuatku tension. Duit lagi. Kenapalah berlaku time ni. Wala wala.... Tak tenang aku berkaroke. Fuh!!... Adui sakit perut pula. Huh! Pi tandas dulu la. Lepas ni boleh melantak rojak mee mamaku buat. Hehehe....

Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

On The Way

Now dalam perjalanan balik kg. Inilah pertama kali saya naik kapal mengerikan. Hampir separuh perjalanan kapal menggigil dipukul hujan lebat. Mungkin juga tercium embun tebal. Satu saat kapal tiba-tiba seperti nak terjatuh. Macam kita mimpi jatuh dari tempat tinggi dan terus terjaga. Begitulah perasaannya. Semua orang menjerit. Allahu Akbar. Nasib baik semuanya ok. Al-Hamdulillah.

Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

7 jam lagi....

tak sabar rasanya.....past 5 saya akan terus ke airport lcct. fly balik kg nun jauh di sana di kg pamalan tanah merah, keningau, sabah. perasaan berkobar-kobar ketika ini...harapan saya semoga perjalanan berjalan lancar tanpa sebarang gangguan. Amiin.

Khamis, 16 Februari 2012

Bila Teringat...........

kamarin meeting...ok saja. tapi bila disentuh pasal tu airport duty...hahaha....yang inda tahan tu WAJIB katanya. OOoooooo......tension betul. Tak suka tak suka tak suka....aduiiii...siapakah gerangan insan yang cakap tidak diberi peluang tu....nak peluang sangat sampai menyusahkan perasaan seorang insan like me... Yang tak dapat pergi kena cari pengganti orang. tapi yang belum pernah pergi.... wahwahwahwah!!!!.........Apa-apa pun just see...macam mana kejadiannya nanti. Adakah yang WAJIB itu akan menjadi HARUS...mungkin juga akan menjadi TIDAK PERLU... i like that part. I hope really really hope it's can be like that. must to like that....huhuhuuuuu......... Apa nak dikata....menurut perintah katanya... hantam sajalah... nak stress pun tak boleh juga...maybe after this ada perubahan rule lagi...whose know it?

16 Things Your Mother Wants You to Know

16 Things Your Mother Wants You to Know

1. Be kind to everyone. You never know what's really going on in someone's life. -- Mary Morgan

2. Dear child, when u grow up, remember not to give everything to a guy. -- Nadia El Ghani

3. I have never heard one person say that life was easy. -- Chris Taylor

4. Never become complacent in anything in life, whether it be driving, work, or relationships, you have to pay attention, and strive toward perfection. -- Elizabeth Wysocki Landino

5. If a man or woman is down you give them your hand. -- Shanesh Ranchhod

6. Do what you can, for who you can, with what you have, and where you are. -- Uma Maheswari

7. Always wear comfortable shoes. -- Lisa Denton Riley

8. Never pass up an opportunity to use the restroom. -- Lisa Denton Riley

9. Friends won't let you do stupid things...alone. -- Casey Leigh Steel Brelsford

10. Be yourself, because unless you are true to you, there is no way you can be true to others. -- Kayleigh Bondor  

11. I will love you enough to tell you 'no.' -- Michele Chandler Dilbeck

12. No matter what your financial state, if a child’s needs are met, it is good for their character not to give them everything they want, make them earn the extras. -- Barbara Jean Sunday

13. Wear an old coat; buy a new book. -- Teressa Glazer  

14. Doesn’t matter if you're cold or it hurts, as long as you look good -- Carla Rachael Ralls

15. 'The best gift that can be given to a child is a Mom and Dad who love each other.' -- Leigh Ann Krohe

16. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel, just pray it's not a train -- Casey Leigh Steel Brelsford 

6 Steps for Gaining Control in Your Life

6 Steps for Gaining Control in Your Life

Get the Sleep You Need
One of the greatest threats to health in modern society is sleep deprivation. We're so busy with technology or just trying to keep up with our lives that few of us get the deep, restful sleep we need in order for our bodies to carry on the repair work necessary in order to keep us healthy and happy. So getting enough rest on any given night is an absolute necessity for all of us. We also need to eliminate 'sleep stealers' like alcohol, caffeine, or nicotine before bedtime. We need to respect the body's rhythms and find ways to shut down for a day.

Find a Spiritual Path
Some people experience discomfort praying to the God of the religion in which they were raised. If you are one of those individuals, you can benefit by redefining God in any way you like ... as long as your definition of your Higher Power comprises love and compassion. By doing so, you can follow one religion, many religions, or no religion at all, as long as you remain in regular contact with the God of your understanding.

Choose to Do the Right Thing
Every day we are confronted with moral and ethical choices, big and small -- but we have a choice. We can use our life energy or life force to keep secrets ... or we can use it to stay healthy. Maintaining immunity from acts we know are wrong helps protect us against illness and disease. If we think something is wrong, it's almost always best not to do it.

Practice Meditation
We need to meditate because we're always busy in our heads planning, reflecting, worrying, strategizing, or just thinking. Meditation means stilling our thoughts, so we can enjoy the peace of mind that we enjoyed as children. When we meditate, we unchain ourselves from the past and future and instead anchor ourselves firmly in the present. We pass through the gateway of our soul to experience inner peace, a skill that's important when times are good ... and even more vital when times are challenging.

Take a Hike!
The human body was born to move. Our ancestors did not sit in cubicles for 8 to 10 hours a day, hunched over a computer screen. They were running, chasing, farming, hunting, playing, and dancing -- all the things that we have somehow left behind.
The good news is that you don't have to do anything radical to get in shape. Exercise increases your immunity to stress, and after a while, you'll find that the things that used to bother you enormously today (not to mention those extra unwanted pounds) will just slide away.

Step Into the Sunshine
Our parents were right when they told us to go outside and play. Moderate sunshine is essential for good health, and vitamin D is best absorbed naturally. Unless it's blazingly hot and sunny where you are, it's important to get out and be in the sun for at least 20 to 30 minutes a day if you can manage it. If it's not possible to get outdoors, do yourself a favor and take a supplement.


Tips for super silky skin

Tips for super silky skin

Remove dead skin cells and improve your circulation by brushing your body with a natural bristle body brush or an inexpensive loofah. Using gentle circular strokes, brush upwards from your feet, over your hips and stomach, moving lightly up your arms and across your chest, shoulders and back. 

● Smooth almond oil all over your body and relax in a comfortably warm place for about 15 minutes. Afterwards, have a bath or shower and use a loofah or face washer to gently buff the oil away.

● Soften and naturally lighten any leathery, discoloured skin on your knees and elbows. Soak cotton squares in lemon juice and massage them into your knees. Then place your elbows in the pre-squeezed lemon halves for 5 minutes. Finish by rinsing with water and gently drying your skin.

● Treat rough, bumpy skin by spreading sour cream over the backs of your arms and legs. Leave it on for 10 minutes, then rinse it off. The lactic acid exfoliates the skin via a natural chemical action.

● For dry, cracked hands try this old-fashioned remedy – it really works! Combine 2 boiled, mashed potatoes with 1 tablespoon vegetable glycerine and enough milk to make a workable paste. Massage thoroughly into your hands, leave for about 5 minutes, then rinse.

● Relieve itchy skin by adding 2 tablespoons bicarbonate of soda to your bath water. If you are sensitive to highly scented bath preparations, it’s an ideal alternative.

● For softer skin, put a handful of rice bran into a clean cut-off stocking, knotted at the top, and drop it into the bath to release vitamin-rich oils. In Japan, this is known as a nuka bath. Or sprinkle 1⁄2 cup powdered milk into the bath water and swish to disperse. Another one to try is 1⁄2 cup oatmeal in a muslin bag, added to the bath water.


10 Secrets to Start a More Productive Work Day

10 Secrets to Start a More Productive Work Day

1. Limit your work-starting routine to 15 minutes
Don’t spend more than 15 minutes getting coffee, settling in, looking at newspapers or reading emails. You are often at your freshest and most productive at the beginning of the day. A prolonged morning routine takes the positive edge off and makes your afternoon more stressful. Better to jump into the important work quickly and read the non-essential emails after you’ve covered lots of ground.

2. Write two to-do lists
The first should contain everything you need to get done soon. It should be a comprehensive list of short, medium and long-term projects and work, and you should constantly adjust it. The second to-do list should be what you can reasonably expect to get done today, and today only. Be fair to yourself. Factor in the likely disruptions, meetings, phone calls and travel hassles. Make the tasks as specific as possible and assign the amount of time you plan to devote to it. Print the list out on brightly coloured paper; this keeps it from getting lost on your desk. By prioritizing your work and breaking it down into small, achievable pieces, you greatly increase the chances that you will be satisfied with your day’s accomplishments.

3. Take a few moments to assess the day’s emotional challenges
Almost as important as your to-do list is a ‘be-prepared-for’ list. Make an inventory of tough phone calls, boring meetings, challenging customers, frustrating red tape, infuriating rush-hour commutes, droning detail work and other mental challenges you are likely to face. Then accept that they are inevitable and prepare yourself to get through them without anger, frustration or impatience. Remember: it’s usually not work that gets us down, but rather the challenges that lie along the periphery of the job.

4. Schedule some social time for mid-morning
You probably work with people whom you like and know well. In fact, camaraderie is what makes many jobs great. So build a ritual into each morning in which you spend a few moments of social time with colleagues. Make it short, at an appropriate time, and don’t let the day go by without it. But avoid personal phone calls if you can; they can unexpectedly turn into big time-eaters.

5. Schedule in some reading time
There’s no job that doesn’t require at least some reading, be it about the company, the industry, the marketplace, the economy. Create a ritual that gives you 15 minutes or so to review newspapers, electronic newsletters, industry magazines, company memos and other reading. Be disciplined – this is not the time to do online shopping. You’ll find that being up-to-date with your business has many advantages, just one of them being a sense of control about your own situation.

6. Make sure you have the right equipment for a healthy day in the office
If you're deskbound, that means:
- Headphones for the telephone, so that you're not leaning your neck to one side when you talk on the phone.
- An antiglare filter on your computer screen. One study found filters improved the quality of the screen image and significantly reduced the percentage of people suffering from tired, dry, itchy or watery eyes, fatigue and headaches.
- A wrist-rest for your computer so that you can keep your wrists elevated, thus avoiding pressure on the nerves that go through your wrist, which can cause carpal tunnel syndrome.
If you're in sales or customer service, you're likely to be on your feet for much of the day. Comfortable, supportive shoes are just a start. Good socks and underwear, a steady supply of breath mints, and braces or some other support for your back, knees or any other problematic joints are also important.
Finally, establish a safe place to keep your keys, mobile phone and other bits and pieces. Full pockets can affect your posture and movement.

7. Set your watch or computer alarm to go off (quietly) every hour
Set a quiet alarm on your watch or computer to go off every hour. This will be your signal throughout the day to take a break, get up and stretch, walk around the building, etc. But, in an open-plan office, for instance, keep volume low so that it doesn’t upset your colleagues.

8. Start your day with a cup of hot cocoa
Research shows that one cup of pure cocoa a day for five days can increase blood flow in the brain, hands and legs, as well as helping to regulate blood pressure. Choose pure coca over drinking milk chocolate to get the full effect.

Office plants9. Keep fresh flowers or plants at work
One US study found that live plants increased creative thinking. Keep them within sight, never your computer. Other studies find that plants significantly lower workplace stress and enhance productivity - possibly because they release extra oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the air during photosynthesis.

10. Block off 30 minutes on your calendar at the end of the day
It may seem strange to do this at the start of your day, but this will be your time to begin the transition from work to home. During this last half hour of your working day, you can finish answering any emails, update your to-do list for the next day and tidy up your desk.

12 Things Your Waiter Won't Tell You

12 Things Your Waiter Won't Tell You

1. Avoid eating out on holidays and Saturday nights. The sheer volume of customers guarantees that most kitchens will be pushed beyond their ability to produce a high-quality dish.

2. There are almost never any sick days in the restaurant business. A busboy with a kid to support isn't going to stay home and miss out on a day's wage because he's got strep throat. And these are the very people who are handling your food.

3. When customers' dissatisfaction devolves into personal attacks, adulterating food or drink is a convenient way for servers to exact covert vengeance. Waiters can and do spit in people's food.

4. Never say "I'm friends with the owner." Restaurant owners don't have friends. This marks you as a clueless poseur the moment you walk in the door.

5. Treat others as you want to be treated. (Yes, people need to be reminded of this.)

6. Don't snap your fingers to get our attention. Remember, we have shears that cut through bone in the kitchen.

7. Splitting entrées is OK, but don't ask for water, lemon and sugar so you can make your own lemonade. What's next, grapes so you can press your own wine?

8. If you find a waiter you like, always ask to be seated in his or her section. Tell all your friends so they'll start asking for that server as well. You've just made that waiter look indispensable to the owner. The server will be grateful and take good care of you.

9. Always examine the bill. Sometimes large parties are unaware that a gratuity has been added to the bill, so they tip on top of it. Waiters ''facilitate'' this error. It's dishonest, it's wrong – and I did it all the time.

10. If you want to hang out, that's fine. But increase the tip to make up for money the server would have made if he or she had had another seating at that table.

11. Never, ever come in 15 minutes before closing time. The cooks are tired and will cook your dinner right away. So while you're chitchatting over salads, your entrées will be languishing under the heat lamp while the dishwasher is spraying industrial-strength, carcinogenic cleaning solvents in their immediate vicinity.

12. Don't order meals that aren't on the menu. You're forcing the chef to cook something he doesn't make on a regular basis. If he makes the same entrée 10,000 times a month, the odds are good that the dish will be a home run every time.


13 things your mother-in-law won't tell you

13 things your mother-in-law won't tell you

1. I spent a couple of decades being the leading lady; now I have a character role. It hurts to be downsized.

2. I know he's your husband now, but he's still my son.

3. You don't seem very confident about yourself. The littlest comment from me is taken as a criticism, so I'm very careful what I say around you.

4. Every year, I send you a birthday present, but you never even pick up the phone to thank me.

5. We mothers say to our children, ''I want you to be happy.'' And we mean that. What we don't say is, ''But I would like to be happy too.''

6. I've bought and sold 13 houses in my life. Why won't you ask for my advice?

7. When I visit you, I'm not coming for a white-glove inspection. I just want to see the family.

8. When I really want to talk to my son privately, I don't call your house. I call his mobile phone.

9. I'm so happy that you allow my son – your husband – to visit me on Mother's Day. I'm truly appreciative.

10. My dirty little secret: I'm afraid that if I don't get this right, you'll cut me off.

11. I'm in competition with your mother. She takes you on vacations every year and buys things I can't afford.

12. Whenever I stay at your house, you always have my room ready, my towels, everything. You do all the right things. I'm lucky to have you!

13. I cherish the refrigerator magnet you gave me: ''Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill.''


untuk yang sudah get married.....do you think about it...it's that true?...

12 Things Your Hairdresser Won't Tell You

12 Things Your Hairdresser Won't Tell You

1. I'm a beautician, not a magician. I can give you Gisele Bündchen's haircut, but I can't give you her face.

2. Come at least five minutes early. If you're running late, please call ahead. Show me some basic respect.

3. Don't ask me to ''squeeze'' you in when I'm already booked. I'd be taking time and effort away from other clients. You wouldn't like being treated that way.

4. Hairdresser school does not teach about projection or personality disorders. If you're looking for a therapist, all I have is a comb and an opinion.

5. As you get older, you need to soften the lines around your face. Layers are the magic remedy.

6. If you want to buy a bottle of colour and do your own hair to save a buck, you can live with the consequences.

7. Some clients will say, ''Cut my hair just like you did last time.'' I have hundreds of clients. How am I supposed to remember exactly how I did your hair the last time? Take a picture and show me.

8. Standing all day and using scissors and a blow-dryer takes its toll – I have arthritis in my fingers, calcium deposits in my wrist, and ten percent less hearing than I used to. I am a physical wreck.

9. We see women at their worst. Their hair is wet, they have foils on their hair. So they tell us everything. The truth is, I really don't care what they do sexually. I'm only interested in their hair.

10. Bodies and hair change as hormones change. If your hair is dry, listless, or brittle, or if it's not holding your colour or style the way it used to, see a doctor.

11. Why do you think a child's haircut should cost less than yours? Kids don't sit still. Kids kick.

12. A trim is not ''just'' a trim. It requires my expertise, skill and knowledge. Would you say to your dentist, ''It's just a tooth,'' or to your doctor, ''It's just a leg?''


11 Home and Beauty Uses for Mayonnaise

11 Home and Beauty Uses for Mayonnaise

Condition your hair Hold the mayo… and massage it into your hair and scalp just as you would any fine conditioner! Cover your head with a shower cap, wait several minutes, and shampoo. The mayonnaise will moisturize your hair and give it a lustrous sheen.

Give yourself a facial Why waste money on expensive creams when you can treat yourself to a soothing facial with whole-egg mayonnaise from your own refrigerator? Gently spread the mayonnaise over your face and leave it on for about 20 minutes. Then wipe it off and rinse with cool water. Your face will feel clean and smooth.

Strengthen your fingernails To add some oomph to your fingernails, just plunge them into a bowl of mayonnaise every so often. Keep them bathed in the mayo for about 5 minutes and then wash with warm water.

Relieve sunburn pain Did someone forget to put on sunscreen? To treat dry, sunburned skin, slather mayonnaise liberally over the affected area. The mayonnaise will relieve the pain and moisturize the skin.

Remove dead skin Soften and remove dead skin from elbows and feet. Rub mayonnaise over the dry, rough tissue, leave it on for 10 minutes, and wipe it away with a damp cloth.

Safe way to kill head lice Many dermatologists now recommend using mayonnaise to kill and remove head lice from kids instead of toxic prescription drugs and over-the-counter preparations. What’s more, lice are becoming more resistant to such chemical treatments. To treat head lice with mayonnaise, massage a liberal amount of mayonnaise into the hair and scalp before bedtime. Cover with a shower cap to maximize the effect. Shampoo in the morning and then use a fine-tooth comb to remove any remaining lice and nits. To completely eradicate the infestation, repeat the treatment in 7-10 days.

Make plant leaves shiny Professional florists use this trick to keep houseplant leaves shiny and clean. You can do the same thing at home. Just rub a little mayonnaise on the leaves with a paper towel, and they will stay bright and shiny for weeks and even months at a time.

Remove crayon marks Did the kids leave crayon marks on your wood furniture? Here’s a simple way to remove them that requires hardly any elbow grease: Simply rub some mayonnaise on the crayon marks and let it soak in for several minutes. Then wipe the surface clean with a damp cloth.

Clean piano keys If the keys to your piano are starting to yellow, just tickle the ivories with a little mayonnaise applied with a soft cloth. Wait a few minutes, wipe with a damp cloth, and buff. The piano keys will look like new.

Remove bumper stickers Time to get rid of that Nixon for President bumper sticker on your car? Instead of attacking it with a razor and risk scratching the bumper, rub some mayonnaise over the entire sticker. Let it sit for several minutes and wipe it off. The mayonnaise will dissolve the glue.

Get tar off your car To get road tar or pine sap off your car with ease, slather some mayonnaise over the affected area, let it sit for several minutes, and wipe it away with a clean, soft rag.

should be to try it....


5 Drinks to Help You Lose Weight

5 Drinks to Help You Lose Weight

The secret to losing weight isn’t just watching what’s on your plate; it’s also about watching what’s in your glass. Popular soft drinks, fruit juices, and energy drinks can be loaded with added sugars and carbohydrates that can sabotage your weight-loss strategy. Here are five tasty ways to drink up without packing on the pounds.

1. Water
We all know this one, but it’s important to remember that water is the single best choice for effective weight loss. Whether it’s still or sparkling, aim to make water your go-to beverage choice. Think water is boring? Try adding fresh lemon slices, lime, cucumber, and even a slice of tomato to add flavor without adding many calories.

2. Vegetable juice
Whether in a can, bottled, or homemade, vegetable juice is an excellent way to get the fiber and nutrients your body needs to fuel your weight loss. If you can find a low-sodium variety, even better. The veggies will keep you fuller longer and the tangy flavor will keep your taste buds happy.

3. Unsweetened tea
Green tea has been proven to help boost metabolism and speed up weight loss. Try it hot or iced with a bit of honey for a low-sugar sweet drink. Don’t forget black and oolong teas, too! Both are filled with antioxidants, which can help rid your body of toxins.

4. Black coffee
A morning cup of joe or an afternoon iced coffee can help spur your weight loss by providing a boost of caffeine that suppresses hunger. Also, coffee has been shown to stimulate thermogenesis, which heats up the body and boosts metabolism. Just be careful about what you add to your coffee — stick to skim milk and very little sugar.

5. Skim milk
Milk is an excellent source of lean protein, vitamin D, and calcium that can help build your muscles and keep your bones strong. Opt for low-fat or skim milk for all of the vitamins without the added fat. If you are feeling indulgent, add a little chocolate — low-fat chocolate milk is a great option for post-workout muscle recovery.

i really trust that. But i just use tea without sugar everyday and everytime...after i've ate makanan bergoreng..like mee goreng, nasi lemak, nasi goreng....tapi ikut jugalah mood...kalau tu mood malamo buat....night time la....

11 Things Your Boss Won't Tell You

11 Things Your Boss Won't Tell You

1. The company is in troubleThere are rumours of redundancies and tough financial times ahead. Until things are really dire, we’re likely to remain tight-lipped.

2. I'm busy worrying about me, not youWe're busy doing our own job, so if you need help, training or support, you have to let us know. "Take responsibility. The best advice I ever received was manage up," says recruitment manager Justin Babet, "so tell your boss what you need from them."

3. Dress to impressJust because the workplace has a casual dress code, it doesn't mean you should dress like a slob. If you speak with firm command, you will be seen as authoritative and if you arrive early and act keen, you'll be perceived as a hard worker. So dress, act and talk for the position you want, not the one you're in.

4. You're too keenJust as bad as lazy workers are the painfully over-eager ones. We don't want to spend time listening to your wild plans to improve the company or find extra projects for you to work on.

5. Your best career move is not in my best interestYou may be well and truly ready for a step up the company ladder, but if you are excelling in your current position, we'd probably prefer it if you stayed exactly where you are. "Make sure you create your own succession plan," says Justin Babet.

6. You smellWe detest having to pull an employee aside and tell them there have been complaints made about their scent. Remember the deodorant and avoid making us, or your colleagues, feel awkward.

7. Solutions not problemsDon't come marching into my office with a problem if you haven't got any suggestions about how to fix it. That's called whinging. "If you truly want change, come prepared with some ideas," says Babet.

8. You deserve a pay riseIf you feel you are due more money or a promotion, be proactive and ask for it. Don't wait around for us to pat you on the back and make the offer. It's not going to happen.

9. You run your personal life from your deskWe will rarely pull you aside if you are always on Facebook, eBay or the phone organising your personal life, but do you honestly think we don't notice? Rest assured we do!

10. Stand your groundDon't let people dump work on you. If you can delegate and are capable of being assertive, we'll be impressed and see you as management potential. Respect is more important than popularity.

11. You should resignDo you feel like you've hit a dead end in your current position? Unless you're seriously underperforming, don't wait for us to show you the door.

Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

Aduiiiii...inda selesa kopio oi...macam mo tidur saja. bukan mo tutup mata tapi saja-saja mo baring-baring ba. Tinggal tujuh hari lagi sa mo balik kg suda. Sa inda sabar suda. Now and 3 weeks ago  i really relax on my work...and i like about the feeling. i can do anything anything anything that what i want while do my work....open the internate anytime ma...hahahaaa..... but so poor...i don't like visit the facebook...so boring...sometimes when i think to do i do it...in the morning early morning...huhuhu... this week i want to finish to read the book tittle " he's....." lupa la tajuk dia.....nantilah...ingat dulu ...heheheeee.... alamak suda pukul dua. time to work...but like my friend said "ada aku kisah"....jahatnya... inda la...tapi tiada kerja ba. Pagi tadi suda kasi siap bos belum sign-sign lagi...ada juga yang belum disemak...tapi petang ni bos tiada pula. Tomorow baru lah kunun. itu pun kalu datang. entah-entah inda datang...alasan MC...hahahaaa....itu alasan standard urang sini...dan alasan kebanyakkan urang....tapi pologoson yolo kio...promise my work go on....tadi sa cek sa punya cuti suda disokong tapi belum lulus. mo kasi tau baitu sama lelaki dalam bilik depan tapi .....nantilah. tingu dulu bisuk...bisuk ada meeting. lepas itu baru cakap lah.... Perkara paling membosankan adalah meeting. sebab perkara sama saja yang dibangkitkan. tiada new matter. kalu urang besar-besar aka bos-bos sesuailah. Dulu mula-mula sa masuk meeting dua bulan sekali. now, setiap bulan. Timbalan dia laitu yang telebih belagak. aksen kunun mo kasi tingu unit lain dia paling top. mangkalilah....naragas. lapas tu mulalah mo mengada-ada....mo menyuru-nyuru urang bawahan buat kerja entah apa-apa. arah tujuan tidak difahami. Oooo....mo jadi peneraju as like tu slogan jabatan ba kali tu kan... sa pun teruk juga..inda paham...buat ja ikut arahan...nanti pinda pi jabatan lain nanya ko...buat kerja tanpa penghayatan...tulah pasal inda lulus-lulus exam bitk. hahahaaaa.....atukoi surat sa itu bos satu suda sign...jadi sa kana sambung buat kerja la kunun ini...heheheee..... hino po... mo mengelimut lagi dara nga .....baranti dulu la...

Jumaat, 10 Februari 2012

Dapat Aku Rasakan....

Eemmm...tempoh hari unit saya yang ada ketidakpuasan hati berkaitan lnpt. Semalam kawan saya pula meluahkan rasa terkilan kerana mendapat markah lnpt di bawah paras 85%. Katanya markah untuk kegiatan luar dan disiplin hanya dapat 5. Bayangkan seseorang yang sudah berkhidmat selama 8 tahun, aktif dengan sukan dan mewakili JPA tapi hanya dapat setakat itu. Katanya juga markah disiplin itu mungkin bertitik tolak dengan satu insiden salah faham. Tetapi takkanlah sampai begitu sekali. Kawan-kawan lain pun begitu juga tetapi bos durang ada pertimbangan. Pemberian markah tidak bergantung kepada satu-satu perkara. Ketika dia bercerita, saya dapat rasakan betapa kecewanya dia. Sekali sekala dia mengelap air matanya. Bagaimana mana mereka menilai agaknya....Amat susah untuk diperkatakan. Mungkin ketika melakukan penilaian mereka ada perasaan benci dan marah. Lain orang lain penilaiannya. Tidak semua orang suka akan kita. Tapi tidak mengapa. Jika mereka berbuat begitu suatu ketika nanti mereka pasti akan diperlakukan begitu. Saya amat berharap kawan saya tu akan terus bersabar. Pasti ada hikmah tersembunyi di sebaliknya.

Saya begitu seronok minggu ni...sebabnya tak banyak kerja...tiga hari rasa relaks sungguh. Seperkara yang sedikit mengganggu fikiran saya semalam, saya bergaduh dengan berbalas sms dengan adik. Apalagi kalau bukan pasal "tusin". Emmm...dia begitu tegar menunaikan janjinya. Saya sudah semakin bosan. Kekadang saya mahu mereka faham saya juga punya kepayahan. Hanya dia ke yang perlu saya sokong...adik-adik yang lain perlu juga. Sepatutnya dia sudah besar panjang sudah berumahtangga lebih faham dan cuba membantu.. ini tak...menambah susah ada lah. Kalau semua perlu saya sokong siapa pula yang akan sokong saya. Huh!!!!..... Biarkan dia....abaikan dia...lantak dia lah...kenapa perlu pedulikan dia. Menyusahkan dan menyakitkan hati. Belum tentu dia bantu saya suatu masa nanti. Yang lebih penting sekarang saya tidak sabar mo balik kampung. 11 hari saja lagi. Harapan saya semuanya akan berjalan dengan lancar. Insya-Allah.

mkbs - sungguhpun ketika ini saya agak bernasib baik, saya perlu berhati-hati. Mungkin akan berhadapan dengan istilah 'tikam dari belakang'....

Rabu, 8 Februari 2012


Can't to sleep. Why? I think should be read the book but scare i won't close my eyes till subuh. Today ready to work. Force my eyes. While that, yesterday i'd go round at Putrajaya. Aiseh...one place only. Look like to jog but just walk. From 8am to 11am. Shining so hot. My skin probably damaged. Hehe...action. Two days jogged two days walk. Feel like more healthy but still have much fat in some place...hahaha.... Wait a second...opps my battery is lower....today i like Ariana Mikhail. Night later i wait for Private For Sale. Final stage. Ok. Lets to go to bed. Hahaha... I hope when i open my eyes have something luck for me... Bye...

Isnin, 6 Februari 2012


Wow...banyaknya ikan. Lama tak tengok. Sayangnya tak bawa makanan. Mesti ikan tu merajuk. Dahlah kitorang paling lama duduk situ. Sekali sekala tengok air dan ikan hilang stress. Tapi nga stress balik nokorongou tulun sampaping mingut singut. Ologod lagi itu. Popinrongou do sumakit kanto. Ada aku kisah?... Orosian oku no ojongkitan. Palis-palis. Pakadada oku gia id bilik. Alaid d kopio olingasan. Huhuhu.....penat juga berjalan kaki. Mungkin lebih 5 ribu langkah tu.... Ok after this my plan as usual...keep sleep or continue read the book Lifeguard. Or both walk in one way. Hahaha...how do that? Baca dalam mimpi. Bye....

Koruol Mato....

Siang tadi ingat mau pi tingu maulidur rasul. But kawan tiada mood. Just jog as usual. A moment i just already finished read a book about investigater. Best!... Jangan sangka orang yang pendiam nampak baik macam tiada kepentingan tiada buaya. Naga pun ada. Hahaha.....mereka musuh dalam selimut duri dalam daging yang most dangerous. And now i read buku bertajuk Lifeguard. Baru mau mula tapi stop dulu sakit mata.

Bila duduk sendirian fikiran mula beracun. Perkara silam kesilapan lalu melintas di fikiran. Benci! Tak suka! Trouble me!
Osubalan ngawi sa kokito. Pakadada id walai om auh d pogompi posonong dilo gurangot duo id sirang. Huhuhu...oruol mato mogintong. Modop tumungag om papasi tv...anakal kio...id mangalayan oku...auh penting.... Id kasabar oku po muli kg. Piro po tadau....

Jumaat, 3 Februari 2012

Penatnya Rehat Di Office

Setelah 8 tahun 5 bulan bekerja, 3 tahun di awal permulaan tugas dan memasuki tahun ke 9 agak relaks. Mula-mula bertugas kerja tak banyak sangat. Rasa sungguh relaks. Cuma kadang-kadang dibuli oleh bos. Dulu-dulu bos buli tak rasa stress pun. Memasuki pertengahan tahun 2007 adalah satu cabaran bagi saya. Kerja masa tu mula banyak. Kena buat kerja baru yang selama itu cuba dielak. Memang busy kadang-kadang tak sempat nak bersembang. Makan tengahari hampir-hampir terbabas. Kelas al-Quran seringkali terlepas. Dan kemuncaknya berhadapan dengan Datin Madinah (kini Datuk). Kesibukkan terus berterusan sehingga tahun 2010. Memasuki tahun 2011 ia mulai reda. Dan tahun 2012 dua bulan terawal memang relaks. Apa tidak saya sempat menonton drama korea online di office. Hahahahaaa........... Mungkin juga tahun ini adalah kemuncaknya saya berada di sini. Mungkin saya akan move out from there....i hope that. Minggu ini saya menghabiskan waktu-waktu terluang dengan menonton drama korea 'Brain". I really like it. "AWAK SEORANG YANG TIDAK BOLEH MENYAYANGI ORANG LAIN. KERANA AWAK TERLALU MEMENTINGKAN CITA-CITA AWAK. AWAK TERLALU PENTINGKAN DIRI"... Saya sungguh terasa dengan ungkapan ini. Kerana saya termasuk dengan apa yang dimaksudkan. Mungkin kerana apa yang saya impikan, inginkan belum tercapai...walaupun saya cuba untuk memujuk diri untuk lebih redha sebenarnya saya tidak dapat menghapuskannya dalam diri saya. Walaupun kata mulut saya, 'saya terima seadanya'...hakikatnya hati saya tidak begitu. "AWAK MESTI HIDUP GEMBIRA SELEPAS INI. WALAUPUN AWAK AKAN BAKAL KEHILANGAN AWAK MESTI HIDUP GEMBIRA".... Boleh ke?..... i hope so.
Esok cuti sehingga selesa depan. Selamat bercuti.

mkbs - melihat orang hidup bahagia tidak cukup menyakinkan saya...... jadi, tidak perlu cemburu...kerana sebenarnya mereka tidak bahagia.