

Khamis, 16 Februari 2012

Tips for super silky skin

Tips for super silky skin

Remove dead skin cells and improve your circulation by brushing your body with a natural bristle body brush or an inexpensive loofah. Using gentle circular strokes, brush upwards from your feet, over your hips and stomach, moving lightly up your arms and across your chest, shoulders and back. 

● Smooth almond oil all over your body and relax in a comfortably warm place for about 15 minutes. Afterwards, have a bath or shower and use a loofah or face washer to gently buff the oil away.

● Soften and naturally lighten any leathery, discoloured skin on your knees and elbows. Soak cotton squares in lemon juice and massage them into your knees. Then place your elbows in the pre-squeezed lemon halves for 5 minutes. Finish by rinsing with water and gently drying your skin.

● Treat rough, bumpy skin by spreading sour cream over the backs of your arms and legs. Leave it on for 10 minutes, then rinse it off. The lactic acid exfoliates the skin via a natural chemical action.

● For dry, cracked hands try this old-fashioned remedy – it really works! Combine 2 boiled, mashed potatoes with 1 tablespoon vegetable glycerine and enough milk to make a workable paste. Massage thoroughly into your hands, leave for about 5 minutes, then rinse.

● Relieve itchy skin by adding 2 tablespoons bicarbonate of soda to your bath water. If you are sensitive to highly scented bath preparations, it’s an ideal alternative.

● For softer skin, put a handful of rice bran into a clean cut-off stocking, knotted at the top, and drop it into the bath to release vitamin-rich oils. In Japan, this is known as a nuka bath. Or sprinkle 1⁄2 cup powdered milk into the bath water and swish to disperse. Another one to try is 1⁄2 cup oatmeal in a muslin bag, added to the bath water.


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